More than 100 sector leaders gathered in Tāmaki Makaurau for the second Addiction Leadership Day of the year. In addition to updates from Government agencies and service providers, attendees participated in several polls during the day.
The results from these polls confirm NCAT’s strategic goals and current workstreams are heading in the right direction.
The first question participants were asked What’s most on top for you in your mahi? revealed a not surprising preoccupation with workforce issues (ageing workforce, recruitment and retention), cost pressures and funding.
“How to support our existing workforce – in terms of wellbeing, career pathways and opportunities.”
“Changing landscape of whai ora presenting with higher complex needs than we have seen before. Coming out of Covid seems a slow and relentless process. The focus is predominantly lived experience peer workforce but we also desperately need clinicians.”
“Workforce pipeline and opportunities for employment after training – this appears to be the limiting step for specialist trainees.”

Participants were also asked What do we need to focus on as leaders in the coming year?
The word cloud largely speaks for itself, with calls for growing and supporting the workforce, identifying new pathways into the sector, leadership development, collaboration and collective action.
“Mentoring the new workforce.
Collaborative and innovative work across the sector. Contemporary practice to better match the changes in our communities presentations.”
“Upskilling. Lead by example. Connection with other agencies; relationship building. Supporting the great workers doing the hard work.”
“Surviving! Ensure pay equity is implemented. Perhaps with the interest in leadership days there needs to be one for service leaders and another for frontline clinical workers. We are doing this for peer workers but clinical staff need this too.”
Download the agenda and presentations from Addiction Leadership Day – July 2023, in Tāmaki Makaurau.