Who we are

Home About Us Who we are

NCAT — the National Committee for Addiction Treatment — is an independent group of service leaders, consumer, peer and lived experience leaders, educators, researchers and representatives from other agencies that work in or support the addiction sector in Aotearoa.

Established in 2005,

NCAT’s membership and work programme spans the entire addiction services ecosystem

and includes treatment, education, workforce development, policy, research and advocacy.

as a peak body within the addiction sector, ncat provides leadership to the sector and its stakeholders

It offers a national, systems level perspective of key issues facing the addiction sector.


For the purposes of NCAT membership and work programmes, ‘treatment’ is defined as supporting tāngata whai ora (people seeking wellness), or service users, from the moment they make contact.
It includes the spectrum of support they may be offered — e.g. harm reduction, specialist or primary care, peer support, housing or employment support, or continuing care.

Who we are

The National Committee includes up to 20 elected representatives from service provider organisations (both NGO and public sector), sector professional bodies and interest groups, education and training providers, research and workforce centres.

An executive committee (comprising the Co-Chairs and up to three nominated members*) oversees the Committee’s strategy and workplan.

2023 representatives

NGO and public sector providers

Deb Fraser
Mirror Services
NCAT Co-Chair

Bridgitte Thornley
PGF Services

Fiona Trevelyan
Odyssey Auckland

Kelly Feng
Asian Family Services

Lynette Hutson
Salvation Army

Margaret Ross*
CADS (Auckland)

Nigel Loughton
Odyssey House Christchurch

Sam White*

Māori provider representatives

Hine Moeke-Murray
Te Kupenga Net Trust

Takurua Tawera*
Manaaki Ora
and dapaanz Pou Whakarae

Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience

Marc Beecroft
Odyssey House Christchurch
NCAT Co-Chair

Consumer Advisors Group

Pasifika provider representatives

Pesio Ah-honi

Helen Schmidt

Educators and researchers

Simon Adamson
National Addiction Centre
University of Otago (Christchurch)

David Newcombe
Addiction Training Providers Network