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Growing and supporting the addiction workforce are key areas of focus for NCAT. We will share relevant reports, policy and research here that describe Aotearoa’s addiction workforce, current issues and future directions.

Workforce snapshots

More than 2000 people work in addiction roles or service settings across Aotearoa.

There is currently no single source of data describing total size or composition of this workforce.

However a broad picture of the workforce is available from various government and NGO reports.

Workforce policy

Policy that guides health workforce strategy in Aotearoa is driven by Manatū Hauora, Te Whatu Ora and Te Aka Whai Ora at a national level.

Ara Poutama as a significant addiction services provider and employer also leads relevant policy for this workforce.

There is currently no national addiction workforce strategy.

Workforce research

There is limited research available about the Aotearoa addiction workforce.

Some point-in-time surveys are available.

Gaps remain in understanding the current and future needs, and characteristics of the Aotearoa addiction workforce.