
Leadership insights a focus at the third Addiction Leadership Day of 2023

eaves of the fan palm Licuala cordata, backlit and photographed from underneath.

The day was opened beautifully by Karaitiana Tickell, (Ngai Tahu) with Deb Fraser-Komene (NCAT Co-chair) MCing the day.

Particular highlights were Anne Columbus from EY speaking about her leadership journey; Ross Denton’s overview of the Leadership Project; a Let’s get Real update; He Waka Tapu sharing information about their Kaupapa Māori residential programme; and the NZ Needle Exchange Programme’s Dr Brin Ryder and Jason George speaking about drug checking services.

Attendees were shown NCAT’s 2023 brand refresh and new website. Also announced at the event was the exciting news that NCAT is seeking charitable status and establishing itself as an independent entity supporting the addiction sector.

Workshops rounded out the day, run by Ross Denton and Deb Fraser-Komene, and Te Whatu Ora’s Anna Tonks and Melissa Stevenson.  

A big thank you to the NCAT organising committee, Deb Fraser for her leadership and the team at Te Pou for a fantastic event. The next event is in Te-Whanganui-a-Tara | Wellington in March 2024. Watch this space for more details coming soon. Head on over to our ALD November 2023 summary page to see some photos and find out more about the day