What we do

Home About Us What we do

In late 2022, NCAT was granted funding to explore its future structure, strategy and sustainability as a peak body supporting Aotearoa’s addiction sector.

This process continues during 2023, as NCAT consults with its members and the wider sector.

NCAT is committed to placing Te Tiriti o Waitangi at the forefront of its work to improve health outcomes for Māori.

Taking advice from Māori members, it is examining how it might apply this commitment at structural, strategic and operational levels to support the sector to strengthen Te Tiriti-based practice.

Our vision

Everyone living in Aotearoa can access the addiction support and treatment options they need and want – from services that are local, person- and whānau-centred, culturally responsive, and effective.

Our mission

We bring together employers, consumer advocates, educators and others agencies working in the addiction sector to provide sector-wide perspectives, expertise and leadership to support and strengthen addiction service delivery in Aotearoa.

Our strategic goals

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Support and advance solutions to grow and sustain the addiction workforce.

wellbeing con - a heart held by two hands

Equitable access

Inform and influence policy and other initiatives that support equitable and effective access to treatment.

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Ensure sustainable development of a strong, national, and representative voice for the addiction sector.

Our work priorities, 2022-2024

NCAT’s current work programme – developed after consultation with the sector at Cutting Edge and an Addiction Leadership Day World Cafe in 2022 – focuses on initiatives to nurture the existing and grow the future addiction workforce.

In 2023, NCAT is also looking inwards to consider its capacity to support the sector. This work includes designing an operating model and securing resources to strengthen its position as an enabler of and facilitator for a strong addiction sector in Aotearoa.

Grow the future addiction workforce



Student placements

Invest in today’s addiction workforce

Workforce wellbeing

Education, research and training

Career pathways

Build NCAT as a strong and sustainable peak body

Speak for and support the sector – its employers and the workforce