Category: NCAT perspectives

  • Addiction groups warn Government’s mental health fund too restrictive

    Addiction groups warn Government’s mental health fund too restrictive

    This is an excerpt of an article by Amelia Wade in The Press, 28 July 2024 The Government’s new $5 million mental health innovation fund has application criteria so narrow, organisations say very few will actually be eligible. They’re calling for a different fund to be reopened which has previously given millions to innovative mental… Read more

  • Take 5 with Deb Fraser, NCAT Co-Chair

    Take 5 with Deb Fraser, NCAT Co-Chair

    To coincide with the launch of the new NCAT website, we’re taking a moment with each of the NCAT committee over the next few months. We’ll be asking them about their reflections on working in the addiction sector and their time with NCAT — where it’s been and where they’d like to see it go.… Read more